While it may not be your top concern all the time, you need to accomplish custom closet cleanup sometimes, and not just because the closet is messy – if that were all, maybe you could get away with just closing the closet door when it’s not in use. You should clean your closet because doing so will help you keep your entire home more organized.
Here are some tips on keeping your custom closet neat and organized:
Take a look at some of the main reasons why cleaning your custom closet has effects that go far beyond the closet space.
People accumulate a lot of stuff over time, and not all of it is stuff you need to hang onto forever. An item might have been useful for a while or a thoughtful gift at the time, and that can make it hard to purge your unwanted items. Eliminating clutter, however, opens up room for items that are more useful.
Closet cleanup helps you not only separate what’s important to hang on to from what you no longer need but it also creates more space for the things that you need, whether or not they were in the closet to begin with.
Have you ever pulled a bunch of things out of the drawer or off a shelf, searching for something underneath? It takes time to dig clothes and accessories from the bottom or back of the place they’re stored, and it also makes a mess – after all, do you really have time to pick up everything you pulled out before you put your clothes on? Probably not.
In a clean and orderly custom closet, you’ll be able to find everything more quickly, and you can use the additional space you created during the cleanup to arrange your items so they’re more visible.
This applies to other parts of the house as well. For instance, if you were able to move your purses from the top of your dresser to the closet after you cleaned out the closet space, they wouldn't be in the way of your perfumes and lotions.
You can think of household clutter as similar to a clogged pipe. When the pipe is clear, water doesn’t accumulate in the sink, it runs right through to where it’s supposed to go. When the clutter clogs in your home are cleared, clutter doesn’t build up either – those items end up where they’re supposed to go instead of taking up floor and surface space around the house.
Your closet is a common place for clutter clogs. It’s used frequently, and you’re constantly taking items out and putting things away. When every item doesn’t have a dedicated place, you begin putting your belongings where it’s convenient instead of where they belong. If the closet is very disorganized, you might find yourself leaving your jeans on a chair or your earrings on the night table. Over time, the clutter gets backed up into the main bedroom, causing even more chaos.
If you feel well, you have more energy for things like keeping the house clean. You’re also less likely to make unnecessary messes in the first place. It’s when you don’t feel well that you’re most likely to feel that it’s too much bother to pick up one or a few items and put them away and feeling this way for too long leads to an overall messy home.
Cleaning for the sake of feeling better in order to keep your home more organized may sound circular, but there are a few ways that cleaning out your closet, specifically, can help you feel better.
The Madrid explains a few of the health and well-being benefits of closet cleaning. For one thing, you’ll be getting rid of negativity in your life by ridding yourself of clothes that don’t fit or that you have negative associations with. You’ll also receive a boost by donating your old clothes – people experience positive effects on mood and well-being by doing good for others. Closet cleaning also improves your physical health as you dust and vacuum, eliminating allergies and dust.
Closet cleaning can even improve your sleep. Clutter tends to contribute to anxiety, which can give you insomnia. If you have a cluttered closet in your room, even if you aren’t directly thinking about it, it may be keeping you up at night. When you clean out your custom closet, you improve your sleep hygiene.
When deciding whether or not cleaning your closet is a good use of your time, you have to evaluate the way closet cleaning affects not just the closet, but your home overall. Closet cleaning makes room for more important things that may be in other parts of the house, prevents household messes by letting you find everything more easily, prevents clutter buildup, and keeps you feeling well so you can tackle other parts of the house as well.
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